Social agriculture
- Italy
- 80 days
- May/June 2022
Your role
The volunteers will support the activities of 2 organisations:
- Onlus Gulliver: Bottega del Riuso
- Campo base/T41A
Onlus Gulliver volunteer will do:
- Sorting of the items that arrive: the volunteers will be divided in different areas (clothes/objects/books/toys/appliances) and then they will rotate.
- Cleaning of the items: before giving the items to the families or selling the min the shop, they need to be cleaned and prepared in separate boxes.
- Creation of the food boxes: every box needs to contain a specific amount of food items and they need to be delivered to the families.
- Customer support in the shop managed by the Onlus.
- Management of the Little Free Libraries by supporting in collecting the books to fill the boxes and by making sure that the boxes are clean and that there are enough books.
- Supporting the educational activities about bullying and violence against women
inside schools for students and for the local community.
- Activities of transplanting and sorting plants in the vegetable garden and in keeping the plants free from animals and from other infesting plants. Once the plants have grown, they will support in the picking and sorting of the vegetables.
- Gardening and cleaning : the volunteers will support the staff in keeping clean the green areaswhere they work. They will take care of the flowerbeds and of the common areas.
- Care of the poultry and of the other animals
- Creative Workshop of various kind with people with disabilities
- Cooking workshops: on a weekly basis, the staff organise cooking workshops so that the users can be involved in the cooking activities and learn new skills.
- Outdoor activities: from time to time, the staff organise outdoor activities for the users of the Centre that can help them to discover the city where they live and to build a relationship with nature.
Qualification & prerequisites
- Be able to communicate in English (listening, reading,speaking and writing)
- Italian language level
- interest in working with people
- Self-motivated and ability to managed their own time
- Creativity
Volunteers from Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia are eligible for this position.
Accomodation & Food
The volunteers will come to Pesaro, the seat of Vicolocorto. Pesaro is a city and Municipality in the Italian region of Marche, capital of the Province of Pesaro e Urbino, on the Adriatic Sea, with a population of around 95.011 inhabitants, making it the second most populous city in the region, after Ancona.
Pesaro is recognised as “Cycling City” (Città della Bicicletta) in recognition of its extensive network of bicycle paths and promotion of cycling. It is also known as “City of Music” as it is the birthplace of the composer Gioacchino Rossini. The historical centre of Pesaro is
rich of points of interest like Palla di Pomodoro, the Conservatorio, the theatre, the museums, the fountain in the main square and casa Rossini. It is located between two coastal hills, the San Bartolo and the Ardizio, so you can enjoy both the seaside and hiking in the hills. The San Bartolo, in particular, is a Natural Park so you can also discover its beauty and the small towns near it. Thanks to Rossini, Pesaro is famous for Pizza Rossini: a pizza garnished with tomato sauce , mozzarella, boiled eggs and mayonase. It can sound weird at the beginning, but you have to try!
The volunteers will be accommodated in premises selected by organisation (usually shared flat).
Visa & travel arrangements
Due to the current situation all of volunteers are required to be vaccinated with one of European medicine agency recognized vaccine. Information on Covid-19 restrictions can be found here. At the moment Italy does not allow to enter the country without Green pass. These can be obtained only by being fully vaccinated with EMA recognized vaccines. However, if a volunteer has received 2 shots of other vaccines and 1 booster shot of EMA recognized vaccine, this is valid as fully vaccinated person.
Visa requirements: there are 2 possibilities to come to Italy. You can request either Schengen Visa which enables you to travel to any EU country, or to request one entry visa only for Italy. More information can be found here.
The sending and hosting organisation will give further information to the volunteers. The sending organisations are:
- Vietnam: Youth Employment & Society Development
- Cambodia: Cambodian Youth Action
- Thailand: Volunteer Spirit Association
Hosting organisation
The association Vicolocorto is a cultural youth association that specializes in youth work and international mobility. It is based in Pesaro and works at a regional level (Regione Marche) cooperating with private and public institutions. The main activities of the association are connected with European projects since Vicolocorto works as coordinating organisation for different volunteering projects in the region and is part of several national and international networks.
The main activities of the association are connected with international mobility. The association mainly organises intercultural and educational activities and English conversation workshops and non formal activities aimed at improving the practice of foreign languages. Moreover, an important part of the activities is connected with the promotion of the opportunities of international mobility in schools, Youth Info Points and Job Centres. Finally, Vicolocorto is partner of different strategic partnerships with other European countries and writes publications on formal education and on youth work quality at a European level.
more information: https://www.vicolocorto.org/en
Onlus Gulliver
One of their main activities is the management of “Botteghe del Riuso” with the double objective of reusing and upcycling things and of getting fundings for their projects of solidarity and inclusion. Connected to the “Botteghe del Riuso”, they have also created a service of distribution of food. They try, in fact, to give a 360 degree support to people in need of any kind: food, clothes, items for children, furniture, appliances and also a service of transportation if they do not have cars.
In addition to solidarity, Gulliver has 2 other fundamental principles that are the fight against bullying and violence against women. They organise workshops and activities about these topics inside schools and in the local community. Last but not least, they have created “Little free libraries” around the city of Pesaro and in the neighbouring towns. They manage 12 little free libraries where people can leave and take books freely in order to share culture and to give access to culture . The books are placed inside boxes (in order to protect them from the weather) and they are located inside public parks.
Their main aim is the inclusion of people with disabilities and people with fewer opportunities through work integration activities .CAMPO BASE operates in the sector of fruit and vegetable and live stock sector according to the organic method; whereas T41A has a Day Centre that organises activities for people with disabilities.
They organise social integration activities thanks to projects with schools and other urban realities. This last innovative aspect of the company allows to bring any citizen closer to new realities, such as disability and respect of the environment in which we live. Today CAMPO BASE, together with its working partners, cultivates about ten hectares of land (vegetables) and raises a small courtyard animals, following a natural, ecological method and above all respecting the individual.
They support the principle of “ZERO WASTE”, since all waste is reused not only forfeeding the chickens but also for composting. In this sector too, both agriculturalworkers and workers from disadvantaged categories are involved. They sell theiragricultural products in the market in a shop and in a restaurant that they manage.
Vicolocorto Association
Phone: +0039 0721 6303868
Email: info@vicolocorto.org
Address: Via della Robbia 4, 61121, Pesaro (PU) – Italy
How to apply?
The applications for this position are open. You can apply for this position by contacting the sending organisation according to the country you come from or where your residence is.
Cambodian Youth Action
Phone: +855 10 678 669
Office: +855 96 871 4334
Email: incoming@cyacambodia.org
Address: Street 2004/Rd 22E1 No. 84, Sangkat Kakab, Khan Posenchey, Phnom Penh 12150
YESD Social Enterprise Vietnam
Phone: +84 903 493 391
Email: info@yesd.org
Address: Room 10-B2, WESTA Building, 112 Tran Phu, Mo Lao, Ha Dong, Hanoi, Vietnam 100000
VSA Thailand
Phone: +66 92 262 5577, +66 81 959 2961
Email: admin@volunteerspirit.or.th
Address: 1063/379 Soi 11 Palm Spring Airport Village, Kuanlung Hatyai Songkhla 90110