Train the trainers

The training took place online from 12. to 16. July 2021. This activity aimed at upskilling hosting and sending organisations in volunteering management. The project partners shared their own experiences with less experienced organisations. The training served partially as preparation for volunteering mobility in order to exchange information on cultural differences, accommodation, covid-19 situation or volunteering activities at hosting organisations.


  1. improve the volunteering management in the organisations of South-East Asia
  2. reduce the risks, misunderstandings, troubles, security and overall well-being of the volunteers when sending volunteers to Asia
  3. prepare sending coordinators from European institutions
  4. exchange best practices

Added value

  • cultural exchange 
  • life-long education process of youth workers
  • volunteering management templates and useful documents
  • networking

Useful materials

Are you a sending or hosting coordinator for European Solidarity Corps projects or are you interested in becoming one?

Then check the links below for video recordings of the training, useful templates and guides.