Be International”s goal is to create a world where young people enjoy learning and are engaged, growing through non-formal education, volunteering, travelling and discovering new cultures. The organization is active at the local level (the Czech-Syrian community SYRECZECH, an education project Hate Free Cities) and the international level (Erasmus+ projects). It is a sending organization of the European Voluntary Service. Be International strives to make education enjoyable for young people and encourage them to become active citizens. It engages youth in intercultural awareness and personal development activities.

At the international level, Be International has been a sending organization of the European Voluntary service for several years. It has sent 21 people as of 2018. The organizations support the EVS volunteers as much as they can, especially through training and individual approach. At the local level, Be International engages about 10 volunteers every semester into its activities. Each project team works with 1 to 5 volunteers and delegates responsibilities to the volunteers according to their motivation and capacities. There is also a Volunteer Coordinator who supports and mentors all the volunteers and organizes team building events.

More information on the official website.